QCAID Algorithmic Trading Platform

Powerful technology to automate, backtest, run and optimize your strategies.

Introduction to QCAID

QCAID’s trading platform will allow you to maximize the efficiency of your workflow, from the detection of investment opportunities, to committing your automated strategies to real execution.

In the following videos we will teach you how to use QCAID, from downloading the program and its configuration to the creation of strategies, backtesting and execution.

Our purpose is to guide you gradually, from the construction of a basic logic to its optimization, using advanced model elements for the development of complex logics.

QCAID: Installation

In this installation tutorial you will learn how to start using QCAID. We will show you how to download and install this platform, as well as how to create an account and obtain a licence to use QCAID.

QCAID: Strategy Edition

In this video we will show you how to create our first strategy with QCAID’s strategy editor.

QCAID: Strategy Backtest

We will only focus on the standard backtest, we’ll explain the particularities of high precision backtests will be explained in another video.

In the following video we will show you how to optimize the parameters of a strategy launching backtest groups.

QCAID: Strategy Optimization

With this video you will learn how to optimize the strategy parameter using variables and the executional backtest groups.

Once you have found the best parameters it is convenient to perform an accurate backtest. We will see this in the following video.

QCAID: High-Precision Backtest

Here we will explain how QCAID will allow you to perform high-precision backtest after selecting the strategy parameters.

In previous videos we have shown you how to create and optimize a strategy.

Using this, you can start executing a high-precision backtest.

QCAID: Strategy Execution

In this video we will teach you how to run a strategy in a simulated market and in the real market.

In previous webinars we have seen how to create and optimize a strategy. After selecting the optimal parameters for it, you can run it in a simulated market.

Basic logic: Temporary Conditions

In this video we will show you how to use temporal elements and negated outputs, how to enter new rules and how to combine rules with our elements.

Remember, there are more videos about building strategies.

Basic Logic: Stop and Take Profit

This tutorial shows different ways of introducing mechanisms to stop and take profit, like ways of closing the position in terms of profit or loss.

Basic Logic: Position change

In this video we’ll see how to create strategies to change the position from long to short and vice versa.

As an example we will use a simple average cross.

Reuse of Logics: Components

This video shows how to create and use components in QCAID.

In previous videos we´ve seen how to build a strategy by adding elements from the palette or adding variables.

In this video we will see how to reuse chunks of strategies creating components to add in multiple strategies.

Basic Logic: Multi-Asset

This tutorial shows how to create multi-asset strategies with QCAID.

In previous videos we have seen different ways to create rules on instruments market data.

In this video you will learn how to use information and trade on multiple assets in a single strategy.

Basic Logic: Multi-Timeframe

In this tutorial I will show you how to combine market data of different periodicity/frequency in a single strategy.

We hope these examples will help you build better strategies by combining the versatility of multi-timeframe strategies, with the other logic-building capabilities explained in our tutorials.

Use of Limit Orders

In this tutorial about how to use limit orders with QCAID.

In this tutorial you will learn the different ways to use limit orders with QCAID.

As you will see, this will allow a precise placement and control of our orders.

Naturally, all the logic-building features explained in our other tutorials can be used in combination with limit orders.

Basic Logic: Position Control

Welcome to this tutorial on position control in QCAID strategies.

In previous videos we’ve learned how to open and close a position.

In this tutorial I will show you how to increase or decrease the size of a position by creating rules based on its status.

Advanced Modeling Elements

Welcome to this tutorial about advanced elements in QCAID.

In previous videos we’ve seen many ways to create and combine signals.

Here you will learn about elements that will allow your strategy to memorise data, count events and control the signal flow.

Importing and Exporting Strategies

This video will show you how to export and import strategies, so that you can move them across different installations of QCAID.

In the editor window you will find the buttons to import and to export strategies.

In the user guide you will find more details about this and other features.

QCAID and VT-MaxCloud Terminal

In this video we’re going to see how the implementation of automatic strategies are integrated with Visual Trader´s manual operating terminals.

We’ll use a simple strategy to see the interaction.

